Friday 31 August 2012

Google Chrome Crash Fix in Minutes

Like other browsers Chrome has some problems. Its users say that "Google Chrome Crash" regularly. Normally the reported mistake is "the application has failed to initialize properly". There is also another mistake which comes very regularly. Following is the description of this error:-

"Whoa! Google Chrome Has Crashed"

All types of accidents with Chrome are mostly linked to Flash errors, pc operating system data computer file crime error and the damaged plug-ins and additions being installed on the web browser.

Before trying to fix any web browser related issue, it is very important to know the reason behind that is causing Google Chrome to collision. There could be various reasons such as data computer file crime error in files saved.

The issue may become worse if there is issue with pc file association which is a class of pc operating system keys. If there is mistake in computer file organizations then programs wont open effectively on your pc. In order to fix this issue try some reliable pc operating system scanner and PC optimizer software.

You can fix Chrome collision easily with a simple control.

1. Locate Google Chrome Quick way on your desktop.
2. Right-click on it and select Properties.
3. Now simply select Quick way tab.
4. In front of target option you will find a control.
5. Here you have to add "-no-sandbox" or" -no-process-plugins"
6. Click OK.

Now you are done. No-sandbox means you have turned on the sand pit security mode which will help your system from being infected from any type of viruses or any other virus. No procedure plug-ins would enable plug-ins to run inside the chrome.

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